The Good Things

In spite of the challenges and hardships of the pandemic, most young people also reported silver linings, unexpected blessings, and bright spots. Some young people even thrived under the particular circumstances of the pandemic. In this section we hear some of their stories.

Keira, 13, Missouri, USA

Keira's submission to The Youth Pandemic Project read as follows:

"COVID has literally been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have a lot of invisible disabilities and chronic health issues and it enabled me to find the right path for my education and socialization. (…) COVID enabled me to completely reimagine my future!"

Recorded: January 30, 2022

“COVID has literally been the best thing that has ever happened to me”

For many people, the restrictions on physical closeness and touch was something they missed and longed for. Since Keira had mentioned her autism earlier on in the interview, and how it causes her to be sensitive to distraction and overstimulation, I asked her how the restrictions on physical closeness and touch were for her.

A Good Environment for Keira’s Autism

Anoushka, 12, Virginia, USA

Before the pandemic, Anoushka was a carefree, social, and outdoorsy kid. Shortly before the pandemic, Anoushka moved to a new neighborhood, where making friends proved difficult. And then, on top of it all… the pandemic hit.

Here Anoushka talks about how the move and the pandemic changed her, and how her Mom came up with a plan to help Anoushka get her spirit back.

Recorded: August 17, 2021

Chalk Drawings

Having previously been a good student, Anoushka’s academics took a nosedive during the pandemic. Once again, Anoushka’s Mom came up with a plan to get Anoushka back on track. And it had a surprising twist!

Recorded: August 17, 2021


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